Brand New Taste

The 14 BIGGEST MISTAKES that START-UPS Make | EP:11 Brand New Taste

Season 1 Episode 11

In this episode the guys are spilling the beans (and a little sauce) on the most common mistakes that they see time and again from new food and drinks brands entering the industry. 


Brandt and Micah have seen it all – from the good, the bad, to the downright bizarre – and they're here to share their stories and wisdom from the front lines of product development and brand building.


Whether you're grappling with the intricacies of new ingredient legislation, refining your product concept, or strategizing your launch, this episode has you covered. Brandt and Micah have clocked in hours perfecting flavours, dealt with more regulations than they'd care to admit, and survived factory trials that could make your head spin.


From trying to please everyone (spoiler: you can't) to underestimating timelines (it always takes longer than you think), they've got the inside scoop. Plus, they'll serve up advice on everything from supplier negotiations to making sure your product and brand are a match made in heaven.


00:00 Introduction
03:44 Trying to be Everything to Everyone 
06:32 Don’t be too Fixed to Anything 
08:39 Don’t be too Pushy with Manufacturers or Suppliers 
12:15 Thinking about the Costs Early On
15:20 Underestimating Timelines 
18:09 Don't Always Just Follow the Heard
21:56 Looking into the Legislation before you get Started
23:52 Don’t make too many Assumptions 
26:21 Understanding the Relationship between the Product and Brand
27:51 Product Developers need to be Present at the Trial 
30:50 Always have a Timeline (Stay Flexible)
33:03 The Novel Foods List
35:38 The Final Development recipe not being the recipe that comes out of the factory 
37:56 Don’t Launch with too many SKUs

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